Sunday, July 05, 2009

Siding + Some Random Stuff

I finished the siding in our garage. Actually, I finished like a week ago. And before that, I finished a second fence, but I keep forgetting to take a picture of it.

Anyway, before and after, blah, blah, blah:

When I finished putting up the first 6 panels, I just couldn't stand that groove on the two on the left were a little bit off from the rest, so I unscrewed them and put them back a little higher this time.

Megan painted the office and living/dinning room gray. I took a picture before she finished so both colors can be seen. She says that she wants to emasculate the house, because it feels too feminine. I like the gray. Now we need to put up some crown molding, because it looks really nice against the white door frames, so the crown molding might make a create nice effect too.

Also, I walked by the corner of 300th and 300th street this week. You might wander what's the big deal, right? Well, they were 300th east and 300th east. Bet you don't have one of those in your neighborhood.

1 comment:

Hethrjem said...

Megan painted the living room again?! I like a gray/white combo. If EVER I live in a house of my own, I want to paint it gray with white trim.