- Finish the garden boxes and hopefully plant something
- Sell all that crap in my garage
- Make that dirt patch under my front window look nice
- Mulch e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e
- Paint the outside of the house. Years of sprinkler abuse have definitely taken a toll on the siding
- Get rid of that damn, immortal Chinese elm growing by our garage
- Visit all our friends that had babies and that I was too busy/lazy to visit but my guilty conscience won't let me ignore anymore
- Plan my school year
Some stuff I want to do this summer:
- Learn to do screen printing, start my business doing that, and make bank off it
- Have night-long movie marathon on the projector. I already tried it, but I fell asleep 15 minutes into the first movie (I have already watch the first half of Sherlock Holmes five times)
- Teach Gabe how to play racquetball and go hang out at the Weber State gym twice a week
- Hang out at cafes and talk about how much cooler the French are with highly educated, liberal minded people that somehow I will meet this summer
That's it for now. If I can think of something else, I'll post...
PS: Yes, it should say "electrolites" instead of "electolites" up there. I'll fix it one of these day.
1 comment:
I will help you with each project and you will have one free day a week to do whatever you want while I watch the kid. Aren't I the most awesomest wife?
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