Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckey Died

We will remember president Hinckley as one of the most amazing persons that lived in this earth during our times. We will most definitively miss him.

Jonatan and Matias' Birthday Party

We had an awesome party last night in one of Jonatan's friend's future restaurant, and it was a lot of fun. We had asado and empanadas (couldn't be anything else!), a huge cake, and a lot of dancing.

Megan and I did ok with the dancing, but there was this one couple who kicked butt

Jonatan and Brea were pretty good too, especially with the ranchera (my brother's going Mexican!)

Brea with the proud suegro:

We came home pretty late, so I was really happy that I don't have to get up at 5:00 am to go to church anymore. That was tough, and pretty taxing on our party hard live style. I missed sitting at Barnes and Noble playing Scrabble until they kicked us out at closing time...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Insane Weather

Yeah, I'm talking about weather in a blog :P, but this is just absolutely insane. People in Utah say they like to have all the different seasons here, but we only have two: super hot and super cold. This year has been crazy though with all the snow, and it has been colder than usual. I've had to shovel my way in and out of my house a few times this week:

The little bushes that we planted in the fall have disappeared. I really hope that the snow won't kill them.

One of our nosy neighbors asked Megan why was she shoveling our sidewalk, where was I, etc. Some people desperately need jobs...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Spelling Dillema

During one of my Language Arts classes, one student referred an experience he had at another class:

“The other day we were writing in Mrs. —’s class, and Angie raises her hand and asks “How do you spell VCR?”