Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Bushes Are Blooming! + Our Neighbor's Junk...

Our bushes are blooming! They look great.
I think this is the best these bushes are going to look for the rest of the year, though.

And the little bushes we planted right before the winter are not only alive, but they are already budding! Yeeah!I finally met our new next door neighbor. Nice guy but... he likes his front yard junk. I think that this might be the first time he has lived in a house with a nice front lawn, so he went crazy buying cutsy crap for it, including a wooden gate that leads to some bushes. Kinda pointless. He says he wants to buy the house, and I'm already cringing. At least he said he wants to put a fence between our yards, and I'm crossing my fingers, because his two dogs are driving me nuts.
This is just a little sample of his stuff. He's putting more every day!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our Greens!

Well, the city did the green pickup. Most houses had a couple of branches on bundles and bags with leaves, and stuff like that. We had 15 bundles of thorny bush branches. And that was only half of it. The other half is still standing there, waiting to go...
On Sunday, talking in church with one of my neighbors, she told me how none of the former owners haven't worked on to the house as we have. I then mentioned that if we had a truck we would do much more, and then another one of our neighbors, who was standing by us, said, "Well, we have a truck. We don't drive it, and it needs to be driven, so you can borrow whenever you want!" That'll save us a few thousands there!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Weber State in Spring

The show is melting, and campus is looking really nice. The fact that most of the trashy buildings are gone and a bunch of new, awesome looking ones have been erected to replace them really helps...
I love the duckies.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

School Video

This is the first (and maybe even final) version of a little project I'm working on at school. The kids don't understand why it's black and white and the speed of the image is so fast, but they love it and always ask me to play it again. Except those kids dancing at the end, of course.

Uploaded by lobizao

Monday, April 14, 2008

Adoption News 1

We have decided to go through every possible route to adopt a baby. Option 1: LDS Family Services.

So, a while ago we went to an orientation at the LDS Family Services office, and the first thing we see is a sign an a desk that read:

Hope Manuel

That was, clearly, a sign for us. But things didn't finish there.

A couple of months later (today), I went back to turn in our application, and the secretaries told me "you actually need to talk to Hope," and pointed to where the lady named Hope Manuel was on her knees trying to plug something into the back of her computer. "Do you need help," I asked her. The secretaries laughed. "I'm trying to plug my printer back. I unplugged it, and now the plugs don't fit it. I don't think there was something else attached to it. I just don't get it." I tried to help her out, but the connector was really weird, and there was nothing in the back of the computer where the cable could have been connected to. After a while of looking hopelessly to the different connectors, I decide to unplug the cable from the printer, and then I realized the problem was that they put the connectors of the cables in the wrong ends. What should have gone attached to the computer was attached to the printer, and they were trying to connect the end that went in the printer into the computer. So, after 10 minutes of laying there, under Hope's desk, trying to fix her computer problem, she asks me "so, are you a volunteer?" "No," I answered. "I just came to drop my application for the adoption process."

I don't need to mention that she was really excited and overly helpful after that. Things just get better and better every time I go to that office...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Meg's Blog

Meg started her glorious blog. Check it out.