We went to Moab for Spring Break. We stayed in Green River, a tiny little town 40 miles away from Moab that was almost deserted; half the stores were closed, but not just closed: they looked abandoned!
Anyway, on Tuesday we went biking. The trail was very hard, lots of hills; the downhill parts were really fun, and some were so steep that they were pretty scary. The uphills were so hard that we had to walk most of them. The complete trail was 10 miles, but we had to go back after 3, so we did almost 6.
This week they have the East of Utah Jeep Safari, so there were tons of Jeeps in town, with the drivers showing their baby's might. Not their might, because all they had to do was push a pedal and steer. But it was fun anyway.
A little cemetary we say on the way there: Biking (this is my first time editing a video, so I'm sorry if it's kinda crappy):
The Colorado River And, best of all... Helper! A little town which took us like five minutes to drive through. There's no much in that town (we saw a toothless cowboy, though), but we found this butt-kicking giant dude who looks like a miner John Henry
We had a really ugly carpet in the bedroom, and underneat it we discovered a really nice hardwood floor. It's not ready to use; it's stained and quite dirty, so we just got rid of the ugly carpet and left it ready to work on during the summer, when we have more than a few days off.
Carpet: I can't believe the ammount of dirt we found under the carpet. Floor: Once we sand it and stain it, it's going to look great
The guy who wrote the Leven Thumps series came to my school and talked to the kids for an hour or so. His presentation was nice, quite entertaining. Still on the nerdy side ("If I write another series it would be something about dragons!"), but nice.
The guy was kind enough to stay after school and sign a few books for the kids and some of the teachers who were hoping to make a nice investment that would add up something to their retirement plans (yours included). All the other teachers asked him to "make it to Phil," or "Shelly," so I asked him to sign it to "Mr. Saine." I thought it would be fun, but that made him feel like he had to say something about the fact that I was a teacher and not just a Phil or a Shelly, so he stops for a second and asks "How do you spell fabulous?" To tell you the truth, the guy caught me by surprise. It was noisy, I was thinking of my kids who were by themselves back in the classroom, so I spaced out. "Well, here you go," said the guy, finally. I really didn't check the book for the next couple of days, until today, when I decided to take it out of the coffee table and put it away in my bookshelf (sometimes I do stuff like that. I help a lot around the house :]), and actually read the autograph, and this is what I saw:
The sad thing is that this guy got rich by writing. Writing. But he can't spell fabulous.