So, I get enough courage to go and talk to the guy and explain my situation, and he points at the truck and tells me to take it, that it's just fine, and all that. The trailer was so big that I thought that I wouldn't fill half of it. Two or so hours later, I was done, and the trailer was completely full! So the guy tells me that I might as well take it to the dump myself.

Taking it to the dump wasn't a big deal, but backing it up once I got there was way hard. I had never driven a truck with a trailer before, let alone a huge one like this. I finally did it, though, and I thought that it would be a nice gesture to fill the truck's tank. Let's just say that it would have been cheaper to rent a Volvo convertible and do the dump rounds on it... But I can't complain, everything worked well, and we are finally garbage free!!
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