Sunday, June 21, 2009

Top Ten of Being in Church During Mother's or Father's Day + What We've Learned


10. Meg's back from her relay
9. No super early morning meetings
8. When I say "Happy father's day," people start saying it back to me and suddenly stop, with a confused look in their eyes.
7. Meg still gets flowers and chocolate during mother's day
6. Brother S's daughter reminds us why we're probably better off childless
5. Barbara Bush quoted at the pulpit
4. Top 5 of Good Parents according to Bro. H's 6 year old daughter includes: "Plays video games"
3. Bro. B. (app. 70 years old) days we can be his parents
2. There's no license for being parents (unless, like us, you can't have your own children)
1. "Being parents is the best calling you can possibly have" (ouch)


Hethrjem said...

I heard that on Mother's Day, everyone talks about how wonderful mothers are. On Father's Day, everyone tells the men in the congregation how to be better fathers.

M&M said...

That's actually very funny. Of course, the fathers are at home watching football or something so they never get to hear the advice =)