October 13, 10 am: Finalization at some court; in Ogden I assume.
October 16, 12:30: Sealing at the Bountiful Temple. The blessing will be some time that day, not sure when until we talk to the bishop on Tuesday. If we do it before the sealing, we couldn't do it after 10 am, because we have to be in the temple by 11:30 (guests need to be there by 12:00 and wait for half an hour without shoes in the wedding-waiting room). Afterwards, we will have an awesome dinner provided by the ladies in the fam and Meg's posse. By the way, this is the day after Gabe turns 8 months! So, sort of 2/3 birthday.
Come everyone, this is what we've been waiting for years, and it finally happened!!

congratulations Saine Family
Thank you, sir :)
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