Gabe's been walking for about six months, babbling and saying a few words for a little while, most in English, some in Spanish. His most recurrent words and things like that:
- Ball
- Shoes
- Agua
- Auto
- Wow
- All done
- Baba, and when I'm lucky, leche (both stand for milk. One's a made up word, one's Spanish)
- No
- Banana
- Daddy
- Doggy
- Grrrrrhhhaaaww (that's his pig noise he learned from Peppa Pig)
And ocassionally, apple, mommy, up, at (that means TV).
He can high five and give me a terrorist bump, or like liberals like to call it, a fist bump. We're trying to get him out of his binky, but as soon as he sees it, he pops it in his mouth. He likes to watch Signing Time, Yo Gabba Gabba, and when there's nothing left, Peppa Pig. Peppa Pig is OUR favorite, though, so while we laugh our heads off watching that, he is running around destroying the house.
He's usually the smallest kid in the playground, so other kids either push him around, to which he reacts getting all tense and yelling at them, or they look at him weird, as if he had leprecy or something worse when he comes and stands in front of them. He is way social, and he likes to get in the faces of other kids. He things that's a way of saying "Hey, I'm Gabe, and I would very much like to play with you for a little while. I hope you don't mind." If the other kids have food, they move it away like an angry dog protecting his lunch. If not, they just walk away. I think Gabe hasn't made the connection yet and realized that he needs a new strategy.
He loves water, and he went swimming twice this week. The first time it started thundering two minutes after we got in the water, so he was disconsolate when we pulled him out. The second time he stayed for longer, but it was a little colder, so he was happy when, forty minutes later, he was finally wrapped in his towel.
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Gabe REALLY likes bread |
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For what I understand, Gabe's part Irish, so he can wear this all year long! |
Gabriel ha estado caminando por unos seis meses, hablando en su propio idioma y diciendo algunas palabras en castellano e inglés. Sus palabras más comunes:
- Ball
- Shoes
- Agua
- Auto
- Wow
- All done
- Baba, y cuando tengo suerte, leche
- No
- Banana
- Daddy
- Doggy
- Grrrrrhhhaaaww (ese es el ruido que hacen los chanchos según con Gabe)
y a veces apple, mami, up, at (eso significa "tele").
Puede darme cinco, pero solamente levanta la mano y espera que uno se la choque. Estamos tratando de sacarle el chupete, pero en cuanto lo ve, lo agarra y se lo pone en la boca. Si encuentra dos chupetes, se pone uno en la boca, y al ratito se lo saca para ponerse el otro. Le gusta mirar Signing Time, un programa que le enseña a hablar por señas, pero hasta ahora no aprendió ninguna. Le gusta Yo Gabba Gabba, un programa que parece haber sido escrito por un grupo de adolescentes fumando marihuana, y Peppa Pig, un dibujito de una chanchita y su familia. Peppa Pig es el favorito mío y de Megan, pero no de Gabe, asi que cuando miramos eso, Megan y yo nos matamos de risa, el está por ahí destruyendo la casa.
Gabe is generalmente el más chiquito en el parque, asi que los otros chicos o lo empujan, a lo cual reacciona poniendose tenso y gritandoles, o lo miran raro, somo si tuviera lepra o algo peor cuando Gabe se les para al frente y los mira con su sonrisita. Es muy social, y se les acerca demasiado a los otros chicos, en su "espacio personal", o su "burbuja" como les dicen aca. Esa es su manera de decir, "buenas tardes. Yo me llamo Gabriel, y me gustaría mucho jugar con vos por un ratito, si no es mucha molestia". Si los chicos tienen comida, la esconden como un perro enojado al que le tratan de quitar el almuerzo, y si no tienen nada, simplemente se las toman. Me parece que Gabriel todavía no se dio cuenta que necesita una estrategia nueva.
Signing Time - Yo Gabba Gabba - Peppa Pig
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