The laundry room, along with the weedpatch and the shed (former dog's house), was the ugliest part of the house.
The walls had like three or different colors. The floor was a horrible, dirty, ripped green linoleum. It was so ugly that we tried to improve it by covering it with colorful rugs, but it didn't really work.

We've been working on it for a year now. First, we painted the ceiling white and tried to white wash the walls, but after three coats, it still looked bad. We also changed the switch board.

This summer we decided to change the floor. Meg found some tiles that she liked, and as soon as we had a free weekend we retiled. We didn't want to rent a wetsaw, so we marked the tiles that needed cuting and took them to a tiles place in downtown Ogden. It was cheaper and faster than doing it ourselves. Not to mention better done, since some of the cuts were quite tricky.

The tiling itself was pretty easy and quick.

Megan then painted the room a dark yellow and we put floor boards. The room looks so good that it feels like it's an indoors part of the house now!

Manuel and Megan
It looks great. Y'all are such doing your selfers. I hope you can teach me someday.
Now all you need is your own show on HGTV.
Oh, and about your muumuu comment: Chad says I should just take an old bed sheet and cut a hole in the middle for my head.
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