Anyway, Phonenix was awesome. We actually stayed in a town called Scottsdale, and the hotel was some 8 miles from the airport, which didn't stop the taxi drivers from charging us $50 for the ride!!! At least the taxi drivers who robbed me in Buenos Aires before coming to the States were honest about their intentions! Scottsdale is a really neat town, very ritzy and touristy. But the best part was that the weather never went below 80 degrees during the day!

We were there Wednesday night, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning. Some of the presentations were awesome, but it was hit and miss: some were way crappy and boring. Some guys from a school district came and told us their story of how their schools improved, and it was so boring that their sessions finished with less than half the people they started with. I felt bad because you could tell they put a lot of effort on it, but it was just soooo boring.
The hotel was pretty cool: it was more like a fancy appartment complex than a hotel, and I got my own room. There were four guys, so they could have placed two in each room, but the other three decided to bunk together, because "I didn't know one of them so it would have been awkward for me to put him in my room." It didn't matter that I knew the other two perfectly well, so they could have come to my room. Oh well. Being unpopular has its benefits: having a doble room all for yourself is just awesome!

I know this has nothing to do, but one night, while hanging out with my principal, he told me that a huge percentage of our ninth graders are on probation. And I mean, real probation. I had a student who was a felon, and midway through the first semester I never saw him again. According to him, next year we won't have nearly as many, which probably won't make any difference, but it's nice to think about...
So, I heard that if you drive to Phoenix, you'll hate it. We flew, which was quick, but scarier than any Lagoon ride with the crazy winds we've been having. I thought that the flight was rough, but I didn't want to say anything about it for fear of souding like a wimp, but when everyone else said that it had been their roughest flight ever I didn't feel as bad. The BYU softball team was there, so we were discussing who should play our roles if we fell and they were to make a movie about it. I know it's been years since anybody told me that I looked like Enrique Iglesias, but I insisted that he should play me! People don't have to remember me fat and balding, right?
This is the only picture anyone took where I look sort of decent:

What can I say? I just don't photograph well!
The guy that would play you would be Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords. I'm sure Megan would agree with me.
Tell me about it. She won't stop talking about how I look just like him...
Yes. You look just like him. Fat? Balding? Ahem! You are so silly. I KNOW the real reason you went into teaching was for all the ladies...come on now, just out with it!
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