Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gratuitous Insult to Teachers


I love my job. I work my butt off, but I do get abused by students at a daily rate, I'm overworked, and viewed basically as their employee by my students. But that's not enough, though, so Ann Coulter decided to go a little further in her insults. In her latest article she wrote:
(Obama) was suspiciously verbose about saving the jobs of public schoolteachers. Because nothing says "economic stimulus" better than saving the jobs of lethargic incompetents who kick off at 2 p.m. every day and get summers off. Actually, that's not fair: Some teachers spend long hours after school having sex with their students.
It is true that teachers do have the summer off, but we don't get paid for it, so we usually have to end up getting a summer job to make ends meet. Besides, I have to stay in school until 3:15, by contract, each day. That's an 8 hour shift, but I stay long after 4:00 every day, and we don't get paid overtime, so that's hours we put in for free. I get 30 paid prep. minutes a day, but there's no way I can grade papers and tests, prepare my next day lesson, tutor kids who need help, and fill up all the paperwork that stupid programs like the Queen B.'s dear Mr. Bush's No Child Left Behind imposed on us. But what does she care? She writes two pages a week and rambles about stuff she's not even prepared to talk about in public forums (fora?), and she thinks she has the moral authority to say anything about teachers?

What a bastard.

But then, I guess that when you're a sore loser you tend to get nasty like that.


Unknown said...

True, so true.

Cathy Christiansen said...

I, for one, appreciate good teachers and know that sacrifices that you make. You deserve much more than you get in every way! Hopefully, every once in a while, you get a glimse of the good you are doing in your students lives when you see them really learn something you taught them!